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    发表于 2018-1-18 17:42:12 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
          继布局北京、上海、杭州、厦门4个城市后,FUNWORK全面进军郑州市场,与绿地企业服平台共同打造绿色健康、高端前卫的共享办公。After its entrance to Beijing, Shanghai, Hangzhou and Xiamen, FUNWORK now already entered to Zhengzhou. The goal of FUNWORK is to build a brand-new, green, healthy, high-level and avant-garde co-working office.  

         FUNWORK的选址锁定城市核心地段,交通和配套都极为便利,大多数项目位于地铁站旁或者距离地铁站5分钟路程内。我们在空间设计、装修布置、社群活动及资源分享方面,都以客户需求为出发点,致力于为租户提供更为健康、欢乐、美感的一体式办公空间。FUNWORK's offices are all located in downtown area and most of them are very close to the metro station. FUNWORK focuses on the interior design, community actions and resource sharing to meet our customers' demands and offer healthy, happy and beautiful offices to our customers.
    2015年FUNWORK的第一个联合办公空间在洋气的上海外滩区域正式开业。目前,FUNWORK已经拥有12个空间,300多个入驻企业,覆盖了55个行业,有今日头条、人人金控、峰瑞资本等知名企业。              The first co-working office of FUNWORK started its business in Shanghai Bund in 2015. By now, FUNWORK has 12 offices with more than 300 corporations assigned and covers 55 industries, including famous enterprises like Today The Headlines, Renren Inc., FREES FUND and so forth.
    5年内,公司计划布局到10个一、二线城市,开发运营项目80个,成为联合办公领域的第一梯队的口碑品牌。FUNWORK is going to open 80 co-working offices in 10 first-tier and second-tier cities in 5 years. We hope that we will be one of the best co-working offices.

    绿地企业服务平台是绿地控股集团基于25年的发展,积累的资源与优势倾力打造的一个利他共赢的生态型平台。企业服务平台基于三个价值来解决客户在企业发展中遇到的问题,基础服务降低运营成本、中端服务解决客户成长问题、高端服务助力企业提升,企业服务平台的三大层级、六大板块和十九大服务,助力企业快速发展。Greenland corporation service platform is the subordinate entrepreneurs service platform of GRRENLAND GROUP which is the largest global real estate company. It devotes itself to providing targeted solutions for enterprises in different developing stages within the platform to accomplish the goals of sharing commercial opportunities, business matching, mutual benefit and win-win for all the enterprises within the platform.
    绿地企业服务平台自14年开创以来,由上海开始迅速发展到全国的26个城市,席卷全国。Greenland corporation service platform was founded in Shanghai 14 years ago. And they have conducted their business in 26 cities around China.
    绿地企业服务平台(郑州站)于2015年成立以来,主要服务于绿地中原事业部旗下的高端写字楼项目,累计会员数量达5000组,运营共享办公面积达到5000平米,始终坚持“利他共赢,共铸品牌”的理念,助力中原企业腾飞!The Greenland corporation service platform of Zhengzhou has been providing services for the office buildings of GRRENLAND GROUP since 2015.

    坚持以服务为核心,颠覆传统提倡健康办公,且有丰富资源共享的FUNWORK+全球最大的商办地产开发企业势必会碰撞出全新的火花,塑造郑州共享办公的标杆。The cooperation between FUNWORK which has mature experience in attracting investments and the largest global real estate company will create new sparks and shape a benchmark for Zhengzhou co-working offices.


    郑州的第一家FUNWORK空间将坐落于郑东新区绿地中心285M双子塔The first FUNWORK in Zhengzhou will be situated in the Twin Tower.

    位于郑东自贸区核心地带,紧邻高铁,差旅便利,商务氛围浓厚,可做注册The office is located in the center of Free Trade Zone which is close to the high-speed railway station and is able to help you register your own company.城市地标写字楼,置身于强大的全球财富场中The office is located in downtown area.提供多种灵活的办公解决方案,一月起租,一价全包,拎包即入驻The price is all inclusive, but you need to rent for at least one month.绿地企业服务平台服务+FUNWORK纯正联合办公服务血统提供高质量的服务You will get high-quality services here.5亿FUN基金,助力企业成长FUNWORK provides 500 million to help the companies grow.

    2018让我们共同期待FUNWORK共享办公空间绿地企业服务平台(郑州站)Let's look forward tothe new FUNWORKin Zhengzhou

    空间地址:中国郑州市郑东新区东风南路与创业路交汇绿地中心北塔3层ADDRESS: 3/f Greenland Center North Tower, Zhengdong New District, Zhengzhou招商电话:400-018-1516
    TEL: 400-018-1516官网:www.funwork.cnWEBSITE: www.funwork.cn



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